popcorn time Movie Pulp Fiction With English Subtitles

  • Liked it - 1765624 votes
  • duration - 154 minute
  • summary - Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) work as hit men for crime boss Marcellus Wallace (Ving Rhames). Wallace is currently dealing with Butch Collidge (Bruce Willis), a boxer who failed to throw a fight after taking Wallace's money and is now planning to flee the city, but can't leave his father's watch behind. Vincent faces some problems of his own when Wallace asks him to show his wife Mia (Uma Thurman) a good time while he's away. Some of these people redeem themselves and some don't, and all meet an end appropriate to their choices
  • genre - Crime
  • release Date - 1994








Pulp Fiction is considered one of the true Tarantino classics, if not THE classic. It is a gangster movie that presents several incidents over a specific period of time, not necessarily chronologically, all in connection with each other in some way.
PF is a different kind of film; it contains many genres such as action, drama, comedy, crime etc. and it also contains many different themes. It is hard to put this film in a specific category and consider this film to be a specific type of film; it is what it is - something unique, something original. Pulp Fiction is the perfect name for this creature of a film, because it is nothing and it is everything. It has no message or true story that it is about. This film is what ever you want it to be! This film has given me the precise description of what being cool is! The character Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) is the absolute coolest character of all time, if you ask me (I dare to claim that others will agree with me deeply. If you have not yet seen this magnificent piece of art, this you must do as soon as you get of work/school/whatever you're busy with right now. This film is filled with great speech lines, perfect violence scenes, the definition of coolness, perfectly selected background music, perfect actors and I could go on, I swear.
Although this film does not tend to tell or show anything, it gives you a lot of good sequences and pleasures both your eyes and ears while doing so. Although I love this film as my all time favorite, I understand why some people don't understand the greatness of this film. Many people can't cope with the fact that it does not seem like your typical gangster/action film and therefore they find it peculiar, maybe even absurd.
I sure hope that you will enjoy this film for what it is (as I did, do and will keep on doing) a perfect film experience in its own genre that contains everything you need on screen in a 154 min interval. Everything in its own unique and extremely simple way. This is more than a movie. Hope you'll enjoy! 10/10.

  1. https://works.bepress.com/seth-lewis2/5/
  2. 21 Bridges
  3. https://zonganki.therestaurant.jp/posts/11221337




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